Friday, August 6, 2010

Jack and the Cactus

Done for a Twisted Fairy Tails book a drawing group Draw Sucka Draw is hosting :]

Monday, August 2, 2010

Little Girl Faces

As I was drawing this at work, a couple came up to me and said they really liked it and their daughter does kids books and could use a new artist, and wanted my info! sweet. Lets hope she liked my drawing haha.

Button Mice

For my sisters book shes writing. Its so cute, I can't wait to do the full illustations

Witch Doctor

I Built A Flying Machine 2

I love this drawing, I wish I had time to color it like I want.  Since schools been out I feel like my art time has been seriously limited but just drawings I can do in one sitting. Coloring and stuff however takes way more time and a computer.  Done june/july 2010

I Built A Flying Machine

Done in the June 2010 in photoshop cs2 :]    This started my many sketches of this kid


Done Entirely in Photoshop cs4  April 2010


Done entirely in Photoshop CS4 Apirl 2010

Space Charachters

Done in Acrylics in March of 2010 :]